The Blind Stokers Club (BSC) and San Diego Center for the Blind (SDCB) are excited to be hosting the 19th Cycling for Sight on the beautiful campus of the University of San Diego (USD). Your tax deductible donation will provide training and counseling to blind and vision-impaired adults in the region. A portion of each dollar will enable more BVI people to enjoy the simple pleasures of riding a bike. You can help build independence in living, and also foster team relationships in sport.
Keith and Emily | $100.00 |
Vin & Sam
Go get it Jeff & Tom!! |
$100.00 |
Steve Hartt
Good luck Jeff & Tom! |
$50.00 |
John and Rosio Seeley
"Think of bicycles as ridable art that can just about save the world" |
$100.00 |
Geoff & Julie
Have a great ride! |
$100.00 |
Alicia Perez
Donation for Jeff Gemar & Tom Perez Team |
$250.00 |
Crush it Jeff & Tom! |
$500.00 |
Qualcomm Matching Gifts-Jeffrey Gemar
Matching Gift |
$300.00 |
Gemars | $300.00 |