Chino Valley Community Church STM - Estonia 2024 (Chris Sanchez)

2024 Short-Term Mission Learn More

Hi Friends and Family, I am partnering with Chino Valley Community Church and raising money for Chino Valley Community Church STM - 2024. I sincerely appreciate your support for this fundraiser and my goal. You can donate now and by hitting “Give Now” on the upper right.

You can give with any major credit card and it only takes 30 seconds. I appreciate it so very much.

Thank you for joining me!

I’m so proud of you and what the Lord is doing in your life! I know you’ll do great things and I pray that God keeps you and the team safe during your travels
Kaden Ryan
Praying for you on this trip! God is going to grow you as you faithfully follow Him
Nicholas Mullins $150.00
Matt & Jennifer Mullins
We hope you a great trip! Trust God and be open doing uncomfortable things for His glory.
CVCC Fundraiser - Tacos
05/01/2024 Estonia 2024 Sanchez, C. (Cash 04/21/2024)
Joel & June Hendley
Praying that God would expand your view of Him and we look forward to hearing what the Lord does in and through you!
Jared McFadden
Praying for your trip!
The Khachatoorian Family
Hi Chris, We are so EXCITED for you! "CONGRATS"
Proud of you young man!
The Pacheco/Kowalski Family
Praying God does great works in you and through during this trip. We love you!
The Fox Family
We are extremely blessed to see you grow and see you go forward with Jesus in your heart and your in your hands and your feet. God bless you on your journey Chris. Love The Fox Family
04/15/2024 Estonia 2024 - Sanchez (Cash 04/10/2024)
Helen Hegle
Happy and excited for your summer mission experience, Chris. Praying for your preparations and all that God has in store for you - Mrs. H. :)
Scot & Tonya Legeman
03/04/2024 Estonia 2024 - Sanchez (Ck#3110 2/17/24) "We're so excited for you! What a blessing you are to others. - Scot & Tonya"
Maria $40.00
James and Angela Shaw
May GOD bless and protect you on this mission trip.
Bocca Family
May God bless you through this opportunity to experience the Missions field and see what He is doing in the world.
Maureen Bosanko
Praying that your faith will deepen as the Lord leads you in His work for you in Estonia!
Carolina y Carlos
Much success on your trip! God bless you!!
Oscar Feria
Way to go Christopher, enjoy and God Bless!
Ed Taylor $500.00
God bless you Chris. The Lord is going to use you in a mighty way. We will be praying for you. We love you.
Anonymous $100.00
Hi Chris This is amazing! I hope you have a great time.
Hi cris That’s awesome. I hope that you will have an awesome time and make a lot of great memories.
I wuv you baby boo
Estonia $17,558.48
Christopher Sanchez $2,950.00
Luke Miller $5,900.00
Estonia Group $1,578.48
Micah Hendley $2,300.00
Chad Bishop $0.00
Pretoria Wenz $1,905.00
Skyler Esquerra $2,925.00

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