This February, we have the opportunity to travel to Chihuahua, Mexico! It will be a second trip for Mimi and Grace, and a first time for Sofie. Last year, this trip was deeply impactful for us and we are so looking forward to going again to continue the relationships we began last year. We pray that through our relationships we can point these children to Christ and that they will put their faith in Jesus. We met our family’s sponsor child, Jonas, and Sofie’s sponsor child, Damaris. Despite the language barrier we were able to create memories and share experiences with them and many other kids! Going to Mexico opened our eyes and we are so excited to go again!
One of the things we learned while in Mexico was the importance of Padrinos (sponsors) to the children. Each child knows and loves their sponsor and every time Damaris sends us a letter she asks when Sofie is coming down to meet her! This opportunity to serve with a mission team again is a chance to show our love to Jonas and Damaris as well as share God’s love and message of hope with them. Thank you for considering helping to send us and keeping us in your prayers!
Dustin H
$100.00 |
Trevor & Jilean
$1,000.00 |
PopPop & Emma
Gail Boyes
So excited for all of you! Praying for you.
Cindy Peyton
Excited Sofie will get to meet her sponsored child!!
$150.00 |
Anne Maddox
$150.00 |
Heather Shierman
$75.00 |
Dereen Houck
We will be praying everything goes well and the hearts of everyone will be touched.
$300.00 |
Psalm 18:1,2
$300.00 |
Nathan and Emily Moore
Praying for you!
$100.00 |
Douglas Hawk
Feliz Navidad
$600.00 |
We are very honored to support you ladies!
$300.00 |
It’s not much but hope it helps! Love ya!
$100.00 |