Aurea's Hiking to Triumph
Hiking for a good cause / Senderismo por una buena causa Learn More
Hello Friends and Family / (Traducción al español ↓ )
This is my first year hiking with Triumph Cancer Foundation, a non-profit that offers a 12 week fitness program specifically designed to assist survivors, who have recently completed treatment. This is a life-changing program offered at no cost and truly helps them to recapture their lives.
9 years ago when I was 6 months pregnant, my life changed completely when I arrived at the oncology door, in my mind, I repeated at high speed, “it is not cancer, it is not cancer” ...“We have to perform the surgery as soon as possible, we cannot wait for the baby to come to term. In case of complications, what do you choose, your life or the baby's?” asked the doctors. That is when the world came over me. Two weeks later they had cut out 40% of my tongue, it was so small that I could not pronounce a word. The post-surgery effects appeared immediately, depression, anxiety, severe headaches, neck and shoulder pain. Without being able to receive any treatment, my battle was just beginning.
Thanks to God, family, doctors, and friends who supported me, two months later my daughter was born full of health. Then the moment of my recovery had begun. With trial and error of controlled treatments, I was able to speak again in just over 1 year. However, during the following years, the doses of controlled medicines increased to the degree of being dependent on them.
Last summer, I heard about Triumph for the first time. Week after week I followed on social media the training of the hiking team to reach their goals of 3,000 meters of height in one day and the fundraising to continue with the 12-week program for cancer survivors. Their achievements and efforts motivated me to prepare myself physically to be able to join the group this year. To my surprise, I was able to reduce my dose of controlled medications by 50%.
So, with great desire, I want to help fund one cancer survivor through this program, but I cannot do this alone. By making a donation, you can help be a part of someone else's recovery and bring light to their life.
I really appreciate your attention and contribution to this cause.
------------------Traducción al español -----------------
Hola Amigos y Familia.
Esta es la 1ra. vez que participo en senderismo de montaña con ¨Triumph¨; fundación de cáncer sin fines de lucro que ofrece un programa de salud física y emocional a cero costo, para sobrevivientes de cáncer que hayan concluido su tratamiento recientemente. Durante 12 semanas se les brinda las herramientas necesarias para fortalecerse y retomar sus vidas.
Hace 9 años, con 6 meses de embarazo, mi vida cambió por completo al llegar a la puerta de oncología, en mi mente repetía a gran velocidad, que no sea cáncer, que no sea cáncer...
¨Tenemos que realizar la cirugía lo antes posible, no podemos esperar a que el bebé llegue a término, en caso de complicaciones ¿que elige, su vida o la del bebé?¨preguntaron los doctores, el mundo se me vino encima. Dos semanas despues habian cortado un 40% de mi lengua, era tan pequeña que no podía pronunciar palabra alguna. Los efectos post cirugía aparecieron inmediatamente, depresión, ansiedad, dolores severos de cabeza, cuello y hombro, sin poder recibir tratamiento alguno, la batalla apenas comenzaba.
Gracias a Dios, familiares, doctores y amigos que me apoyaron, dos meses después mi hija nacía llena de salud, el momento de mi recuperación había llegado. Con tratamientos controlados a prueba y error, logré hablar de nuevo en poco mas de 1 año, sin embargo por los siguientes años las dosís de medicinas controladas fueron incrementando al grado de ser dependiente de ellas.
El verano pasado, escuché por primera vez de Triumph, semana a semana seguí en redes sociales el entrenamiento del equipo de senderismo para alcanzar sus objetivos, 3,000 mts de altura en un dia y la recabación de fondos para seguir con los programas de 12 semanas para los sobrevivientes de cáncer. Sus logros y esfuerzos me motivaron a prepararme fisicamente para poder unirme al grupo este año , a sorpresa mia, esto me ayudo a poder reducir en un 50% la dosis de medicamentos controlados que tomo, por ello con mayor anhelo quiero ayudar a recabar fondos y patrocinar a un sobreviviente de cáncer para que viva el programa, pero no puedo hacerlo sola. Al hacer una donación, podrás ayudar y ser parte de la recuperación de alguien más y brindarle luz a su vida.
Agradezco mucho tu atención y contribución para esta causa.
Eileen Grady
Happy hiking, Aurea! I only hiked once but it I will remember it for the rest of my life. |
$75.00 |
In Memory of Bob Blakesley |
$80.00 |
Bill Imamoto
Hi Aurea. We were so inspired by your message and perseverance to overcome life's challenges. We wish you the best of luck as you raise money for a worthy cause. Best wishes! Bill Imamoto & Molly Acton |
$100.00 |
Eileen M Grady
Happy hiking! I was a hiker in 2019 and love supporting Triumph. |
$25.00 |
Emily Hall
Good luck Aurea! This is so inspiring! |
$20.00 |
Pamela Nichols
You go girl |
$25.00 |
Claudia White
Inspiring story Aurea! Proud of you for joining Triumph challenge and supporting other cancer survivors. |
$30.00 |
Anonymous | |
Melissa & Sean Rivers
Such an inspiration! |
$100.00 |
Jenny Gortarez
A very inspiring work! Saludos Aurea y Juan, Jenny |
$25.00 |
Paola Morales
Que padre iniciativa! Te mando todas mis bendiciones y buenas vibras! Un abrazo fuerte! |
$10.00 |
Andreea Ciobanu
Keep going and never stop fighting! Your efforts towards cancer survivors is very inspiring! |
$100.00 |
Celina Romero
Sigue echándole ganas! |
$50.00 |
Lucero Guzmán y Pilar Romero
Sigue adelante! |
$25.00 |
Arcelia Romero
Dios contigo |
$50.00 |
Jacqueline K
As a fellow 2 time cancer survivor, I commend you in your efforts Aurea! And am enjoying your beautiful pics online every week! Amazing! ❤️ |
Carranza Romero
Éxito Aurea. |
$100.00 |
Gloria Romero
Hermanita Dios te bendice por tanta bondad y generosidad de tu parte hacia el prójimo. Ánimo tu familia te apoya. Estas en un paraíso de naturaleza viva que te muestra y te hace sentir la presencia divina. Enhorabuena por ello. Te queremos y extrañamos. Dios contigo siempre. |
$500.00 |
Dave & Nancy
We are happy to support you. You are a strong women and can do whatever you put your mind to. -Dave & Nancy |
$100.00 |
Si se puede!!! |
$50.00 |
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