Webconnex LLC (hereafter referred to as “Webconnex”) is the creator and provider of the website and fundraising service named GroupRev, located at www.GroupRev.com, (hereafter referred as the “Service”). Webconnex LLC has offices at 455 Capitol Mall Suite 604, Sacramento CA 95814 and can be contacted at 916-718-1565 or emailing help@webconnex.com. This disclaimer pertains making financial donations to a fundraising project located on GroupRev.com
Our complete terms of service can be located here: https://www.grouprev.com/terms-of-use
Webconnex makes no representations or guarantees regarding Fundraisers, Merchants or Purchasers utilizing our Service. Use of our Service in no way represents any endorsement by Webconnex of a user's existence, legitimacy, ability, policies, practices, or beliefs. Webconnex does not have control of, or liability for, goods or services that are paid for with the Service.
A charitable organization may use the Service to accept payments as a Merchant. Not all charitable organizations are tax-exempt, and not all contributions to charitable organizations are tax-deductible. Charitable organizations are responsible for correctly classifying themselves and their transactions, issuing any required reports and receipts, and making any required tax or other filings. Contributors are responsible for verifying the status of organizations to which they donate and reporting their donations correctly for tax and other purposes. Webconnex specifically disclaims any liability in this regard.
Any disputes arising from usage of the Service in connection with making a financial payment to a fundraising, project or organization must be taken up directly with the organizer or the payment service provider, WePay Inc. Should a dispute arise, we encourage you to first contact the individual or organization, and then contact Wepay (www.wepay.com) before calling your credit card company. You may also contact at help@webconnex.com and we can assist you in accessing any contact information for the organization or person affiliated with the fundraiser.
Webconnex makes no guarantee to the legitimacy of any cause, project, or fundraiser in any way. Webconnex does not process the credit card transactions used in conjunction with the Service and has no liability for claim of refund of dispute. Webconnex expects and requests all payees, donors, supporters and contributors to contribute only to individuals and organizations they know to be legitimate. Discretion prior to contribution is advised.
If you are utilizing credit card payments, you are bound by the terms of use by the payment service provider. For personal fundraisers and most organization based fundraisers, that payment processor is WePay, Inc. To view their terms of service, please visit: https://www.wepay.com/legal/terms-of-service
The optional contribution suggestion on the payment page is optional and does not go to the fundraiser but directly to the Service, GroupRev. The Service is made free for organizations and individuals by micro contributions like this. These contributions are not required to make a transaction and there is no penalty against the fundraiser for donations without the optional contribution. Optional contributions made to the Service are not tax deductible but the organization may choose to recognize the optional contribution as charitable. Please consult the organization for accurate tax related information.
The Service is effective because it allows people to share publicly with the world the progress and goals of the fundraiser. Please know this may affect your privacy. When you donate, by default, your display name, any custom message and also the contribution amount of your transaction will be shown on the fundraiser’s page beneath “Supporters.” Should you desire your name or amount to be hidden, please check the box “Keep My Name Anonymous” below your credit card information. To hide the transaction amount given, check the box “Hide the Amount Given” in order to keep that information blank on the public fundraiser page. PLEASE NOTE: The fundraiser may still be able to determine the name and amount of all donations to their page from the payment service provider. Total anonymity it not a reasonable expectation when donating electronically.
By completing a financial transaction on the Service, you agree that the fundraiser will be notified of the successful transaction. If you have NOT chosen to be anonymous, the fundraiser has the option to thank you publicly on Facebook using a post that shares your “Display Name” (not your billing name) on Facebook with a thank you. Example, “Thank you Mom and Dad.” While any fundraiser can mention you on Facebook without the help of the Service, it is important to know it is a possibility. To turn remove the sharing post to the fundraiser, select “Keep My Name Anonymous.” Most do not use this option, but it is a possibility to be aware of.
For our full privacy policy, please visit https://www.grouprev.com/privacy-policy