Team Puzzle Pacers

Fight the Mystery Learn More

We are a family dedicated to Fighting the Mystery!

Autism affects 1 in every 68 births and is growing at a rate of 10-17% a year. It knows no social, racial, or ethnic boundaries. Children on the spectrum have significant developmental delays in the areas of social skills and communication. They have poor eye contact, lack functional and receptive language and prefer to play alone. Research dictates that the earlier a child is treated, the better the outcome. Treatment includes sensory integration, behavioral therapy and speech.

We love supporting the EJ Autism Foundation because all the proceeds and donations from this race will support Autism Awareness and benefit programs that work with children diagnosed with Autism here on Long Island. No money goest to big corporations! It all stays local.

Our family has witnessed how early intervention, community, and perseverance can have a positive effect on our children.

Fight the Mystery! It is possible and makes all the difference!

Jessica Miller
Thanks for fundraising for such a great cause!
The Kriegers
Laura Moakley
Thank you again for organizing this as always. I wish I could had been there this year, aiming for next year.
Lori Ippolito $25.00
Go Team Puzzle Pacers!!
Mike Starita
Rose Allen $25.00
Uncle Jerry
Different, not less !
Stephanie Giaquinto $10.00
Dannenfelser Family
Denise Scovanni $100.00
Anonymous $100.00
Lynn G.
Good Luck. Hope you have good weather.
Weil Family
Goooo Team Puzzle Pacers!!!
Rosemary $25.00
Elise Wickenhauser $50.00
Debbie Wickenhauser
You are a wonderful advocate to fight autism.
Janette $250.00
Elizabeth Beatty
Way to go!!
Thomas Capolongo
Way to go Kim!
The Dominici Family
Michelle Plett
Margaret Schultz $25.00
Jennifer E Herbst
Go Puzzle Pacers!
Puzzle Pacers $1,322.00
Kim Dominici $1,322.00

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