Hi Friends and Family, I am reaching out for your support in raising money for Triumph Cancer Foundation, a local organization which offers exercise recovery programs for adult cancer survivors in our community. I have had the opportunity to participate in their 12-week Triumph Fitness program to help me in regaining my strength and stamina. And now I would like to "pay it forward" to give another survivor like me this same opportunity.
Triumph Cancer Foundation provides Triumph Fitness, and other exercise-based programs, to local survivors at no cost. Since 2005, they have made their programs available free of charge to cancer survivors thanks to the donations of private individuals like you and me. Our Triumph Fitness class is trying to raise $1,500 to sponsor a survivor and give them a chance to recapture their life after cancer treatment. $1,500 will cover the cost of 12 weeks of Triumph Fitness! I hope you will consider helping me in paying it forward!
You can donate now and by hitting “Give Now” on the upper right. You can give with any major credit card and it only takes 30 seconds. I appreciate it so very much.
Thank you for joining me!